McDonald's hamburger?
As head of the Food Lab here at Earp's Western Foods, my job does not allow me to butter anything up. I tell it like it is.
We are asked the question several times a week. Other than a whole lot of advertising, I haven't a clue what is in a McDonald's Hamburger. Nor can I justify the time to disect one.
I will state this however. If I don't know what is in it or, it looks like something that has been used before, I WON'T eat it!
I do know this for a fact however and our customers keep telling us so. A little Earp's Steak and Dinner Sauce added to a Big Mac is a major improvement. In fact, a little Earp's added to any hamburger will turn it in to something more edible and digestable.
In the opinion of the McDonalds folks and as they recently expressed in a communication to MSN News. They contacted 100's of Nutritional EXPERTS and the majority of those they contacted believed that a steady diet of "fast foods" was a healthy choice.
MSN News proved otherwise but, if you want to swallow what McDonalds would have you believe, that is up to you. By the way, I have some waterfront property to sell you... The ingredients in Earp's Steak Sauce are an actual aid to digestion and you are going to need it, living out of fast food restaurants.
So, the next time you head out to your favorite fast food restaurant to force feed yourself another dose of McFat, McCholesterol and McSugar fix, (hamburger, frenchfries, battered fish, salad) do your heart and waist line a favor,
- At least put some
- Earp's Steak and Dinner Sauce
- on that stuff!
It's what the Gun Fight at the O.K. Corral was really all about. Bet you've never seen a fat gun fighter, have you?
- Ask your doctor and find out that Earp's Steak Sauce is right for you. And if you are serious, here is our Nutritional FACTS!
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